Third party funded projects
The members of the Institute for Economics (IWF) are involved in a wide range of third party funded projects (Drittmittelprojekte).
Current projects are:
Redistributive Capacity of Reduced VAT Rates
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. January 2024 - 31. December 2025
Funding source: StiftungenFirms' tax complance: VAT and Anti-Fraud
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)Term: 1. March 2023 - 30. June 2025
Funding source: Bayerische StaatsministerienGeschlechterspezifische Stellensuche und Lohnbildung
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. January 2023 - 31. December 2025
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)B09: Strategische Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit im Entry-Exit-System
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: SFB Transregio 154
Term: 1. July 2022 - 30. June 2026
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
URL: entwickeln Modelle und Lösungsverfahren, die es uns erlauben, strategische Angebotsentscheidungen von Unternehmen in Gasmärkten zu analysieren. Dies führt im Allgemeinen zu Gleichgewichtsproblemen. Unser Fokus liegt dabei auf der Klasse der Multi-Leader-Follower-Games (MLFGs), bei denen eine Gruppe von Agenten in einem ersten Schritt (obere Ebene) Entscheidungen trifft, die die Entscheidungen einer anderen Gruppe von Agenten in einem zweiten Schritt (untere Ebene) vorwegnehmen. Unsere geplante Analyse in der dritten Phase ist durch die Beziehungen zwischen Versorgungsunternehmen und Verbrauchern motiviert, bei denen mehrere Versorgungsunternehmen zunächst die Details der angebotenen Lieferverträge auswählen und dann die Verbraucher einen Vertrag wählen und ihre Konsumentscheidungen treffen. Als wichtiges Merkmal in der dritten Phase planen wir, verschiedene Risikoaspekte einzubeziehen, die für die Verbraucherentscheidungen auf der unteren Stufe von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.
Multilevel mixed-integer nonlinear optimization for gas markets (B08) (2022-2026)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization using the example of gas networks
Term: 1. July 2022 - 30. June 2026
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
URL: goal of this subproject is to develop mathematical methods to solve mixed-integer and nonlinear multilevel optimization problems for gas markets coupled with markets of other energy sectors such as electricity. Motivated by the two cases of cooperating or non-cooperating network operators of the different sectors, we investigate on the one hand bilevel problems with potentially multiple solutions on the lower level, for which we establish methods to assess pessimistic solutions. On the other hand, we study multi-leader-follower games and develop problem-tailored solution approaches. Finally, based on our mathematical and algorithmic developments, we characterize equilibria in coupled energy systems for different combinations of market designs in the considered sectors.
Zentrum Wasserstoff Bayern
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. October 2019 - 30. September 2024
Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (StMWK) (seit 2018)
Multilevel mixed-integer nonlinear optimization for gas markets (B08) (2022-2026)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization using the example of gas networks
Term: 1. July 2022 - 30. June 2026
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
URL: goal of this subproject is to develop mathematical methods to solve mixed-integer and nonlinear multilevel optimization problems for gas markets coupled with markets of other energy sectors such as electricity. Motivated by the two cases of cooperating or non-cooperating network operators of the different sectors, we investigate on the one hand bilevel problems with potentially multiple solutions on the lower level, for which we establish methods to assess pessimistic solutions. On the other hand, we study multi-leader-follower games and develop problem-tailored solution approaches. Finally, based on our mathematical and algorithmic developments, we characterize equilibria in coupled energy systems for different combinations of market designs in the considered sectors.
Robust optimization of gas networks (B06)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Mathematische Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung am Beispiel von Gasnetzwerken
Term: 1. July 2022 - 30. June 2026
Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Previous projects are:
Flexible Verbraucher im Deutschen Strommarkt
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. November 2015 - 31. January 2016
Funding source: IndustrieIn this research project, we analyze investment incentives for flexible manufacturing facilities within the energy market system. We propose a multi-stage equilibrium model which incorporates generation capacity investment, network expansion and redispatch, and include enhancements regarding a flexible production approach. The model allows to investigate incentives for flexible production as well as locational choices and the impact of flexible energy demand on the energy market as a whole. In particular, we explore the profitability of flexible production units for different shares of flexible energy consumers in the electricity market. Furthermore, we examine from which point on flexible production units will have a considerable influence on energy price development and the extent to which price fluctuations will be mitigated by flexible consumption.
Die Wirkungen der Kurzarbeit: Eine Analyse an der Schnittstelle von dynamischer Makro-Arbeitsmarkttheorie und angewandter Ökonometrie
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. June 2015 - 1. June 2018
Funding source: Fritz Thyssen StiftungZukunft der EU-Finanzen
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 22. April 2015 - 20. December 2015
Funding source: IndustrieExperimental Validation of Indicators of Manager Behavior in Business Surveys
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 2. April 2015 - 31. December 2017
Funding source: andere FörderorganisationThe aim of the project is to analyze connections between manager behavior and firm level variables. The first step is the identification of suitable behavioral indicators in questionnaires that will be validated in controlled laboratory experiments. The experiments are meant to examine and evaluate fundamental relationships between different indicators and economically relevant decision making. The project points towards providing the basic elements to collect the identified behavioral indicators by means of short questions or simply decisions within questionnaires.
Equal Living Conditions – Perceived Fairness and Economic Effects of Place-Based Policies
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. March 2015 - 31. October 2018
Funding source: Volkswagen StiftungLiving and working conditions among German regions, but also among European regions in general show remarkable differences, which are strongly affected by the decline and aging of the population. Recently, the European economic and fiscal crisis has revealed that regional, social and economic disparities cause the legitimacy of the political and social system to be disputed. These developments pose a major social and political challenge for Germany and Europe as a whole. Consequently, implementing equal living conditions in Germany and achieving convergence of European regions are declared top priorities by German and European policymakers. To meet the target, various policy mechanisms are in effect, first and foremost, the provision of basic public services in urban and rural areas, fiscal equalization programs, and regional policy measures to promote the development and structural adjustment of regions lagging behind. Considering the scope and persistence of place-based policies, their success and acceptance will depend substantially on their economic effects and the public perception.
In part due to lack of appropriate data, it has not been seriously examined to what extent and by which subgroups of the population certain policy measures are considered as fair or unfair and how acceptance of policy measures is related to their economic effects. To close these research gaps, the research team, which unites experts from sociology, economics and economic geography, analyzes simultaneously the economic effects and the perception of place-based policies. The project consists of two interrelated subprojects. On the one hand, taking advantage of a large set of data on economic and social conditions at the regional level, the project studies in-depth the effects of selected policy measures. On the other hand, the project examines in detail the attitudes of Germans toward a wide range of place-based policies in order to determine how individual and regional characteristics affect these attitudes. Factors such as importance of self-interest, valuation of efficiency and perceived social justice constitute the core of the analysis. For the first time, using a factorial survey, an experimental design is introduced to identify attitudes regarding public policies aiming at equal living conditions.
Eine komparative Analyse der Ursachen und Konsequenzen von Ungleichheit: wie wirken sich frühkindliche Bedingungen auf die Entwicklung von Kindern aus?
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. March 2015 - 31. October 2016
Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)Koordinierte Kleinspeicher im Verteilnetz der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft (SWARM)
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. January 2015 - 31. December 2017
Funding source: IndustrieIm Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes SWARM der N-ERGIE AG und dem Energie Campus Nürnberg (EnCN) beschäftigt sich unter anderem der Lehrstuhl für Informatik 7 (Rechnernetze und Kommunikationssysteme) mit den Fragestellungen, unter welchen Bedingungen Privathaushalte in innovative Stromspeicher investieren, wie sich diese Speicher auf die Stabilität des Stromnetzes auswirken und welchen ökonomischen Nutzen sie aus Sicht des Netzbetreibers bzw. der Privathaushalte schaffen.
Übergeordnetes Ziel der Untersuchungen ist es, Erkenntnisse über vernetzte Speicher zu gewinnen und zu vertiefen.Das von der Caterva GmbH entwickelte Energiespeichersystem (ESS) mit einer Gesamtleistung von 20 kW und einer Bruttokapazität von 21 kWh richtet sich an Privathaushalte, die deutlich mehr als die durchschnittlich üblichen 30 Prozent ihres selbst erzeugten PV-Stroms nutzen möchten, da das ESS eine hohe Deckung des individuellen Strombedarfs aus Eigenerzeugung ermöglicht.
Die Innovation des Systems liegt jedoch in seiner zweiten Funktion: Die Energiespeichersysteme können sich zu einem virtuellen Großspeicher vernetzen, der am Primärregelleistungsmarkt teilnimmt und damit eine Stabilisierungsfunktion im Stromnetz übernimmt. Der virtuelle Großspeicher speichert Strom bei einem Überangebot im Netz und speist umgekehrt bei Strombedarf in das Netz ein.Der Lehrstuhl für Informatik 7 (Rechnernetze und Kommunikationssysteme) entwickelt ein Simulationsmodell eines Kleinspeicher-Verbunds. Ziel des Modells ist es, die technischen Auswirkungen der Speicher auf die Netze zu ermitteln, sowie den ökonomischen Nutzen sowohl für die beteiligten Privathaushalte als auch für das gesamte Energiesystem zu identifizieren.OPUS- und Open-Access-Dienste
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. December 2014 - 31. December 2018
Funding source: IndustrieAdaptive MIP-Relaxations for MINLPs (B07) (2014 - 2018)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example of Gas Networks
Term: since 1. October 2014
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)Goal of the project is the analysis and solution of large-scale MINLPs, especially from the application of instationary gas network optimization, using adaptive MIP models. We approximate the nonlinearities with piecewise-linear functions to construct MIP relaxiations of the underlying MINLP. In addition, theoretical results linking the complexity of the relaxiations to structural properties of the nonlinear functions and the linearization error shall be derived.Causal determinants of maternal labor market outcomes and child development
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: SPP 1764: The German Labour Market in a Globalised World: Challenges through Trade, Technology and Demographics
Term: 1. August 2014 - 30. September 2017
Funding source: DFG / Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP)In a situation of demographic aging, impending shortages of skilled labor, and rising female labor force participation rates, Germany as well as other OECD countries have adopted a set of reforms (of child care, parental leave benefits, paternal family leave) which directly affect maternal labor force participation and the social norms of childrearing, and which indirectly impact child development. Against this backdrop we propose to use up-to-date data and methods to answer questions of international relevance and to improve our understanding of the determinants of maternal labor market outcomes and child development. The results generate new insights on issues of utmost social interest such as the patterns behind female participation in the labor market and the determinants of child wellbeing including its heterogeneity across parental backgrounds.Specifically, the proposed project investigates the causal effects of (1) motherhood timing on maternal labor market outcomes (e.g., participation, working hours, or wages), (2) motherhood timing and birth spacing on child outcomes (e.g., cognitive and non-cognitive skills), and (3) maternal labor market participation and employment interruptions on child outcomes (e.g., health and behavioral problems). To identify causal effects, subprojects 1 and 2 use the individual experience of fertility shocks (e.g., miscarriages or temporal infertility of either parent) and subproject 3 exploits a recent reform of the German parental leave system which generated a sharp institutional discontinuity with little opportunity for anticipation.Using recent data and innovative approaches our research will answer questions of high relevance for society and policy-makers, such as- does delaying first births improve maternal labor market outcomes, and does the effect vary by maternal age?- can parents affect their children's early skill formation through longer spacing between sibling births?- does maternal leave taking in the first or second year of a child's life improve child outcomes and does the effect vary by maternal education and the child's sex?Each of our three subprojects proposes original research questions and applies appropriate research designs to advance the level of knowledge and to extend the international literature in various innovative ways. The proposed research benefits from the availability of the data and from the initiative and commitment of an experienced international research team. Furthermore, each subproject is socially and economically relevant beyond mere scientific interest.Wages, Heterogeneities, and Labor Market Dynamics
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: SPP 1764: The German Labour Market in a Globalised World: Challenges through Trade, Technology and Demographics
Term: since 1. August 2014
Funding source: DFG / Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP)Search frictions generate long-term employment relationships and thus rents for matched workers and firms, which are shared in the wage determination process. An understanding for wage formation and wage cyclicality is central for a variety of issues (e.g. hiring and firing decisions, labor market dynamics, wage dispersion) and therefore ultimately for policy (e.g. labor market, business cycle or trade policies). Although empirical research on wage cyclicality has been spurred in light of the search and matching theory recently, the existing literature suffers from data limitations (e.g. the inability to control for certain heterogeneities or the lack of disaggregated labor market flow data). One contribution of our project is the close collaboration with the project `Custom Shaped Administrative Data for the Analysis of Labor Markets (CADAL)´ (headed by Stefan Bender and Jörg Heining) in order to construct a high quality dataset, which circumvents the problems of the existing literature and which will be available for the scientific community. The dataset will be designed to answer state-of-the-art theory-based empirical questions. As our major contribution, we will analyze the driving forces of wage formation, and wage cyclicality as well as the role of various heterogeneities. In addition, the project aims to establish a quantitative connection between wage formation and labor market flow dynamics at the disaggregated level. Two examples: How do the labor market dynamics of rigid wage establishments differ from flexible wage establishments? What is the relationship between sectoral- or establishment-specific average turnover rate and establishment labor market dynamics? Answers to those questions require high quality disaggregated labor market flow and wage data. They will be a reference point for the validity of various labor market flow models and they will help us to improve our understanding on the interaction between wage formation and labor market dynamics.Our project is at the core of the Priority Program (Schwerpunktprogramm, SPP 1764) `The German Labour Market in a Globalised World: Challenges through Trade, Technology, and Demographics´ since we expect insights about the driving forces of wage formation and unemployment. Wage formation is key for understanding inequality issues and unemployment is considered to be a major societal problem. Further, our project will establish a better understanding of the driving forces of unemployment fluctuations over the business cycle and their connection to wage formation.TRR 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example of Gas Networks
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)Term: since 1. July 2014
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
URL: "turnaround in energy policy" is currently in the main focus of public opinion. It concerns social, political and scientific aspects as the dependence on a reliable, efficient and affordable energy supply becomes increasingly dominant. On the other side, the desire for a clean, environmentally consistent and climate-friendly energy production is stronger than ever. To balance these tendencies while making a transition to nuclear-free energy supply, gas becomes more and more important in the decades to come. Natural gas is and will be sufficiently available, is storable and can be traded.
On the other side, focussing on an efficient handling of gas transportation induces a number of technical and regulatory problems, also in the context of coupling to other energy carriers. As an example, energy transporters are required by law to provide evidence that within the given capacities all contracts defining the market are physically and technically feasible. Given the amount of data and the potential of stochastic effects, this is a formidable task all by itself, regardless from the actual process of distributing the proper amount of gas with the required quality to the customer.
It is the goal of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre to provide certified novel answers to these grand challenges, based on mathematical modelling, simulation and optimisation. In order to achieve this goal new paradigms in the integration of these disciplines and in particular in the interplay between integer and nonlinear programming in the context of stochastic data have to be established and brought to bear. Clearly, without a specified underlying structure of the problems to face, such a breakthrough is rather unlikely.
Thus, the particular network structure, the given hierarchical hybrid modelling in terms of switching algebraic, ordinary and partial differential-algebraic equations of hyperbolic type that is present in gas network transportation systems gives rise to the confidence that the challenges can be met by the team of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre. Moreover, the fundamental research conducted here will also be applicable in the context of other energy networks such as fresh- and waste-water networks.
In this respect, the research goes beyond the exemplary problem chosen and will provide, besides a cutting edge in enabling technologies, new mathematics in the emerging area of discrete, respectively, integer and continuous problems.The following Sub projects are located at FAU:
Decomposition methods for mixed-integer optimal control (A05) (2014 - 2018)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example of Gas Networks
Term: since 1. July 2014
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)The focus lies on the development of mathematical decomposition methods for mixed-integer nonlinear optimal control problems on networks. On the top level (master) mixed-integer linear problems are in place, whereas in the sub-problem only continuous variables are considered. The exchange between the levels is performed not only via cutting planes, but also via the modelling of disjunctions to deal with non-convex optimal control problems as well. The overall emphasis is the mathematical analysis of structured mixed nonlinear optimization problems based on hierarchical models.Central Tasks (Z03) (2014 - 2022)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example of Gas Networks
Term: since 1. July 2014
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)Integrated graduate school research training group (MGK)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example of Gas Networks
Term: since 1. July 2014
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg (SFB / GRK)The integrated graduate school offers young researchers in the TRR 154 an interdisciplinary scientific education and training in Mathematical Modeling, Simulation und Optimization for Gas Networks by organizing summer and winter schools, excursions to companies, lectures and colloquia. Moreover, it supports the industrial or academic career entry by a mentoring program and soft skill courses.Robustification of Physics Parameters in Gas Networks (B06) (2014 - 2018)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: TRR 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the Example of Gas Networks
Term: since 1. July 2014
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
URL: goal of this research project is to study uncertain optimization problems using robust optimization methods. Focusing on transport networks, we aim at the development of tractable robust counterparts for uncertain optimization problems and an analysis of the problem structure. For the arising adjustable robust optimization tasks, good relaxations as well as effective branch-and-bound implementations shall be developed.Evaluation of Smart Grid-Field Experiment
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. January 2014 - 31. December 2015
Funding source: IndustrieWithin the cooperative project SWARM between the N-ERGIE AG and the Energy Campus Nuremberg (EnCN), the chair of economic theory deals with investment incentives in innovative energy storage systems of private households and the influence of these storages on the supply grid. Further, we investigate the economic advantages they provide to supply system operators or households. The overall goal of the research activities within the SWARM project is to gain knowledge about connected distributed energy storages (swarm storage) running as one virtual electricity storage.
International Graduate Program "Evidence Based Economics"
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)Term: 1. October 2013 - 30. September 2021
Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst (ab 10/2013)
URL: International Graduate Program Evidence-Based Economics (EBE) is a joint undertaking of the Universities of Munich, Erlangen-Nuremberg and Regensburg generously funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria.
The objective of the program is to train doctoral students to work at the frontier of theory-guided, evidence-based economics. Integrating theory, empirical methods, and policy analysis in both training and research is the main innovation.
It focuses on an integrated methodological approach and allows for substantive applications from different fields in economics. Within the porgram, we closely cooperate with firms, non-profit organizations, research institutions, and leading scholars worldwide, both in training and research supervision.Personnel Policy in Cooperatives
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. April 2013 - 30. April 2014
Funding source: andere FörderorganisationOne of the goals of this project wasto answer the question whether cooperatives are indeed organizational formsthat foster behaviors that are related to high performance work practicesor commitment-oriented behaviors. Our findings indicate thatcooperatives and especially producer’s cooperatives are in fact such types oforganizations. They more often engage in profit sharing and they investmore in the training of their employees than other organizations do (i.e. investor-owned firms).
Experimental studies on the impact of collective bargaining on the gender wage gap
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. December 2012 - 30. December 2015
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ)
URL: aim of the project is to analyze bargaining processes and their impact on gender wage differentials. In particular, we want to identify potential leverages for a reduction of the remaining gender wage gap under collective bargaining agreements. An important aspect is the gender segregation in pay grades. Whereas men and women are paid equally within grades, the classification of jobs will probably play a crucial role. The research project conducts stylized negotiations to gain insights in wage formation processes. Based on economic experiments, we investigate in particular the following questions: Why and how might a gender wage gap arise from or in spite of collective bargaining? Can the gender wage gap be reduced by increasing transparency?
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
Term: 1. October 2012 - 30. September 2016
Funding source: EU - 7. RP / People / Initial Training Networks (ITN)
URL: decision making in enterprises should involve mathematical optimization methods, because a best choice has to be made out of a huge number of feasible options. A mathematical description of such decision processes typically involves both continuous and discrete decisions. If the latter are present, the customary modelling approach is to use integer variables, which are also used to represent all possible nonlinearities, so that the remaining part of the model is linear. This leads to Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization (MILO) problems, which can be handled nowadays by many packages, but are often very difficult to solve.Difficulty of MILO problems is often due to the fact that objective functions or constraints that are structurally nonlinear (e.g., quadratic) are linearized by introducing new integer variables. In many cases, it was observed that this is not the best way to proceed, as facing the nonlinearity directly without the new variables leads to much better results. Algorithmic technology for the resulting Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization (MINO) problems is still at its early stage.The present situation is that enterprises facing a MINO problem generally give up due to the lack of efficient solvers, or try to convert it to a MILO one often too hard to be solved in practice. On the other hand, in the academia there is now an increasing expertise in MINO, which is however hardly exported outside due to the lack of interaction with the industrial world. It is the purpose of this project to help satisfy the increasing demand for highly qualified researchers receiving, at the same time, a state-of-the-art scientific training from the academia and hands-on experience with real-world applications from the industry.The researchers formed within this project, once recruited by an enterprise at the end of their training, will have the potential to apply all the available knowledge to optimize complex decision making in the real-world.
Trust in Character, Capability and Institutions
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. June 2012 - 31. May 2015
Funding source: IndustrieIn this project we conducted an experimental study among European citizens regarding cross-cultural perceptions related to trust in two dimensions: volunteerism and honesty. We used representative samples from five major economies of the Euro area: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain. We find that European citizens rely on nationality to infer behavior. Assessments of behavior show a north/south pattern: participants from northern countries are perceived to be more honest and to provide more effort in a volunteering game than participants from southern countries. Actual behavior is, however, not always in line with these assessments. Assessments of honesty show strong evidence of social projection: Participants expect other European citizens to be less honest if they are culturally closer to themselves. Assessments of volunteerism instead show that both northern and southern Europeans expect higher performance in northern than in southern European countries.
Implementierung im Marktumfeld
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Solarfabrik der Zukunft: Smart Grid Solar
Term: 1. June 2012 - 31. May 2017
Funding source: Bayerische Staatsministerien, Europäische Union (EU)
URL: the Energy Market Liberalization, all the various decisions regarding the optimal energy supply in Germany are no longer made by fully integrated power supply companies. Instead, decisions are made by different market participants in a decentralized way. Beyond the economical optimization of the interaction between grid, suppliers, storages and consumers, a key question is, to what extent the current market design coupled with policy control mechanisms (e.g. the EEG regulations) actually reaches the implementation of the optimal system via the various decisions of all market participants.The core of the economic analysis evaluates the implementation of a smart grid system considering all relevant market participants within different political frameworks in a quantitative way. Comparing the optimal solutions derived by the work package optimization and simulation enables an identification of the necessary changes in the market design and the legal framework.
Taxation, Social Norms, and Compliance: Lessons for Institution Design
(FAU Funds)Term: 1. January 2012 - 31. December 2015
URL: goal of the project “Taxation, Social Norms, and Compliance: Lessons for Institution Design” is to foster research on individual and social determinants of tax compliance. In particular, the project aims to investigate the role of institutions and of social and cultural norms for tax compliance as well as its behavioral foundations. With regard to formal institutions, the project considers the design of the tax system as well the role of tax administration and of tax accounting. Further, it also addresses social and cultural norms, which is crucial given that tax compliance depends on norms like fairness as well as on the perceptions of other taxpayers’ adherence to these norms. Finally, the project also includes a specific behavioral component that explores the preferences and the decision process of the individual taxpayer.
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Energie Campus Nürnberg (EnCN1)
Term: 29. July 2011 - 31. December 2016
Funding source: Bayerische Staatsministerien
URL: general framework of energy trade, the decisions concerning regulatory interventions and the deployment of climate-policy instruments demonstrably affect energy prices, investment incentives and the success of innovations. This project is aimed at exploring the impact of market designs and regulation on the said decisive economic factors.
Research focuses on:- Analyzing different pricing rules applied at the electricity stock exchange;
- Analyzing the effects of different climate-policy instruments such as emissions trade, feed-in tariffs or quota regulations on investment and innovation incentives, and other issues;
- Actively participating in the ongoing debate on energy policies; and
- Analyzing the economic impact and opportunities of innovative technologies on power grids (e.g., “smart grids” or “smart metering”).
The project group mainly focuses on the effects of political decisions regarding the economy and climate on the composition of power plant parks and the long-term opportunities and risks different technologies have to offer. One of the central points is the percentage of renewable energy that can be attained from power generation in the long term.
The work methods applied by the project group are a combination of theoretical, empirical and experimental approaches.Betriebsschließungen in Deutschland: Umfang, Verlauf und Einflussfaktoren
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. February 2011 - 30. March 2013
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)Während Betriebsgründungen bereits relativ gut erforscht sind, kann davon bei Betriebsschließungen – insbesondere für Deutschland – noch nicht die Rede sein. Der Großteil vorhandener Studien bezieht sich auf Westdeutschland oder einzelne Bundesländer, umfasst meist nur relativ kurze Zeiträume oder konzentriert sich auf neu gegründete Betriebe.Im Rahmen dieses Projekts soll erstmals umfassend untersucht werden, welche Betriebe schließen, warum dies der Fall ist und wie das Betriebssterben vor sich geht (eher abrupt oder vorhersehbar anhand sinkender Beschäftigtenzahlen vor der Schließung). Dabei wird analysiert, welche internen sowie externen Einflussfaktoren die Sterbewahrscheinlichkeit von Betrieben maßgeblich beeinflussen und welche Auswirkungen Rezessionen (wie die jüngste Wirtschaftskrise) auf das Betriebssterben haben. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erfährt die Beschäftigungsentwicklung bzw. Arbeitnehmerfluktuation in den Jahren vor der Schließung. Weitere Fragestellungen betreffen den Zusammenhang zwischen Entlohnung und Betriebssterben, inwieweit Lohnrigiditäten die Schließungswahrscheinlichkeit beeinflussen und ob die Anwendung tariflicher öffnungsklauseln Betriebe vor dem Sterben bewahren kann. Bei allen Fragestellungen ist zudem von Interesse, ob Unterschiede zwischen jungen und alten Betrieben bestehen.Für die Untersuchung der genannten Fragestellungen wird in erster Linie das umfassende Betriebs- Historik-Panel der Bundesagentur für Arbeit verwendet, das Angaben zu 50 Prozent aller Betriebe ab 1975 enthält. Weiterhin soll der Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz des IAB herangezogen werden, der neben repräsentativen Betriebsdaten auch personenbezogene Sozialversicherungsdaten (wie z. B. Qualifikation, Betriebszugehörigkeit, Fluktuation) enthält.
Internationale Unternehmensbesteuerung und Konzernstrukturen
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. June 2010 - 30. June 2012
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)Das Forschungsprogramm des beantragten Projekts zielt darauf ab, empirische Evidenz für Wirkungen der Besteuerung von grenzüberschreitend tätigen Konzernen zu erarbeiten. Im Gegensatz zu den bestehenden empirischen Arbeiten zur Wirkung der Besteuerung von international tätigen Unternehmen berücksichtigt das Projekt die Möglichkeiten der Konzerne, internationale Beteiligungsstrukturen zwischen den rechtlich selbständigen Gesellschaften steueroptimierend einzusetzen. Mit dieser Schwerpunktsetzung wird insbesondere der Tatsache Rechnung getragen, dass durch grenzüberschreitende Beteiligungsstrukturen die steuerlichen Bemessungsgrundlagen der zum Konzern gehörenden Gesellschaften stark verändert werden können, auch ohne dass die Produktion verlagert wird. Das Arbeitsprogramm zielt dabei sowohl auf die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Besteuerung auf die Struktur von grenzüberschreitend tätigen Konzernen ab, als auch auf eine Analyse der Konsequenzen der Konzernstruktur für die Effekte der Besteuerung auf die Investitions- und Finanzierungsentscheidungen der Tochtergesellschaften. Grundlage der empirischen Arbeiten ist die MiDi-Datenbank (Microdatabase Direct Investment), welche die Deutsche Bundesbank für Forschungszwecke zugänglich macht. Ein bedeutender Vorteil dieser Datenquelle ist der Vollerhebungscharakter, da die Datenerhebung auf Meldeverpflichtungen des Außenwirtschafts-gesetzes beruht. änderungen der Konzernstrukturen sind zudem jährlich nachvollziehbar.Reputation Formation in Social Systems
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. April 2010 - 20. September 2012
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
URL: project focuses on the question how reputation evolves in economic transactions. Oftentimes, business partners cannot rely on their own experience with their counterpart. Thus, the reputation of business partners plays a crucial role in many markets. While the effect of reputation has been the focus of many studies within this field of research, the present investigates the formation of reputation both theoretically and empirically. We are particularly interested in reputation that evolves in the direct interaction between business partners while institution-based reputation mechanisms (e.g. formal rankings on online platforms or media coverage) are deliberately excluded. On the basis of game theory and laboratory experiment we investigate the conditions that foster the formation of reputation and the circumstances that rather prevent their evolvement. In a second step, the results from the laboratory experiments will be validated with field data.
Development of new Linear and Integer Programming Techniques to solve Supply Chain Management Problems
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: since 1. March 2010
Funding source: IndustrieSupply Chain Management (SCM) deals with the combination of procurement, production, storage, transport and delivery of commodities. Problems of this kind occur in all kinds of industry branches. Since the integrated planning of these processes contains a high potential for optimization it is of great importance for the companies’ efficiency.
The method of choice to find optimal solutions in SCM is linear and integer programming. Nevertheless, there are big challenges to overcome – concerning both hardware and algorithms – due to very detailed and therefore large models. Additionally there may occur numerical difficulties that standard techniques cannot deal with.
As a consequence, the problem’s mathematical formulation has to be done carefully and new methods need to be implemented to improve the performance of MIP algorithms.
Monopsonistische Diskriminierung am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Monopsonistische Diskriminierung am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
Term: 1. January 2009 - 30. November 2015
Funding source: Fritz Thyssen StiftungIm Widerspruch zur Annahme vollkommenen Wettbewerbs auch am Arbeitsmarkt findet
eine wachsende Zahl von Studien, dass Arbeitgeber über erhebliche Lohnsetzungsspielräume
verfügen, die es ihnen erlauben, deutlich geringere Löhne zu zahlen als von traditionellen
ökonomischen Theorien unterstellt. Des weiteren zeigt sich, dass Arbeitgeber über größere
Lohnsetzungsspielräume gegenüber ihren weiblichen Beschäftigten verfügen, da diese
verglichen mit Männern – insbesondere aufgrund familiärer und häuslicher Verpflichtungen
– eine stärkere Bindung an ihre Arbeitgeber aufweisen. Ein substantieller Teil des Geschlechterlohndifferentials kann daher auf sog. monopsonistische Diskriminierung, also auf Marktmacht
der Arbeitgeber, zurückgeführt werden, wie dies auch eigene Vorarbeiten für Deutschland aufzeigen.Aufbauend auf diesen Erkenntnissen soll im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojekts zwischen der Universität Erlangen‐Nürnberg und dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt‐ und Berufsforschung untersucht werden, inwieweit sich am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt Anzeichen für monopsonistische Diskriminierung von Leiharbeitern und Immigranten finden lassen. Bestehende Studien deuten darauf hin, dass diese Gruppen erhebliche Lohneinbußen verglichen mit regulär Beschäftigten bzw. Einheimischen hinnehmen müssen. Zugleich
handelt es sich um Gruppen, die sich bei der Jobsuche im Durchschnitt deutlich schwerer tun und somit eine stärkere Bindung an ihre gegenwärtigen Arbeitgeber aufweisen dürften. Dies mag Arbeitgebern den Spielraum eröffnen, der Gruppe mit der niedrigeren Abwanderungsneigung einen geringeren Lohn zu zahlen und diese somit zu diskriminieren. Ob und in welchem Ausmaß sie diesen Spielraum für Diskriminierung tatsächlich nutzen, wird unter Verwendung von Verweildauermodellen ökonometrisch analysiert. Sollte sich zeigen, dass monopsonistische Diskriminierung einen maßgebenden Teil der Lohndifferentiale von Immigranten oder Leiharbeitern erklärt, so ergäbe dies zugleich Ansatzpunkte zur wirtschaftspolitischen Bekämpfung der Nachteile dieser Gruppen, etwa in Form von Maßnahmen
zur Erhöhung ihrer regionalen und beruflichen Mobilität. Ferner soll untersucht werden, ob sich – wie jüngst für die Vereinigten Staaten dokumentiert – im Konjunkturverlauf schwankende Lohndifferentiale für einzelne Gruppen von Arbeitnehmern finden lassen und zyklische Schwankungen in der Arbeitgebermarktmacht
eine Erklärung für dieses Phänomen liefern. Derartige Schwankungen sollten berücksichtigt werden, wenn Diskriminierung richtig diagnostiziert und wirtschaftspolitisch adäquat bekämpft werden soll.Grundlage der Untersuchungen bilden administrative Daten aus der deutschen Arbeitslosenversicherung,
die im Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt‐ und Berufsforschung eigens bereitgestellt werden. Diese hochqualitativen, mehr als 30 Jahre umfassenden Längsschnittdaten erlauben es, in den Analysen sowohl die Arbeitnehmer‐ als auch die Arbeitgeberseite umfassend abzubilden sowie unbeobachtete Heterogenität zwischen den Beschäftigtengruppen zu berücksichtigen. Damit eröffnet sich die Möglichkeit, den Zusammenhang zwischen Lohndiskriminierung und Arbeitgebermacht am
Arbeitsmarkt tiefergehend zu untersuchen, als dies bisherigen Studien möglich war.Löhne und Lohndifferenziale
(Own Funds)Term: since 1. January 2000Bei der Entlohnung gibt es deutliche Unterschiede zwischen Arbeitnehmern, Betrieben und Branchen. Das Projekt ermittelt anhand von Daten aus dem In- und Ausland das Ausmaß dieser Unterschiede sowie deren Hintergründe und Einflussfaktoren. Besonderers im Fokus steht das geschlechterspezifische Lohndifferenzial, wobei u.a. untersucht wird, inwieweit die geringere Entlohnung von Frauen auf Diskriminierung zurückzuführen ist. Analysiert werden auch Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen von Betrieben (z.B. Exporteure vs. Nicht-Exporteure) und zwischen dem privaten und öffentlichen Sektor. Zudem werden das Ausmaß und die Hintergründe einer Beschäftigung zu Niedriglöhnen sowie die Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten von Geringverdienern empirisch untersucht.